Sunday, April 29, 2007

End of an Era

Well, I am fast approaching the end of one season in my life and the beginning of the next. Since 2000 I have had the extreme privilege of being a stay-at-home mom to my children. It has been the most rewarding, difficult, tiring, refreshing, wonderful, unforgettable, funny, sad, awesome 7 years of my entire life. I wouldn't trade it for the world. Part of me wishes it could go on forever. But then I wouldn't experience the joy of seeing my babies grow up. I'm just so thankful that I got to experience this time.

But, I've known all along that it would eventually come to a close, as if I am ever to repay my mountain of student loan debt, I must actually use my college degree to get a job! So, I have an all-day interview for a teaching position on Tuesday. The job will start in the fall when the kids go back to school. I honestly would rather stay home and just be a mom. But, if I must work, this is a job I really want. It's at a school that I fell in love with, mainly because I want my kids to go there. It has a strong emphasis on involving the creative arts in education and my little Kaitlyn is very creative. They have a huge ESL program. And a very internationally and ethnically diverse staff. My children would have teachers from all over the world, which is quite a school given the small, not-so-diverse area we live in. But, since it's out of our district,the only way they could feasibly attend is if I teach there. So, Tuesday is a pretty big deal for me. I'm soooooo nervous! So, if you think of me, say a prayer! :)


Life in Fitzville said...

Big prayers going out! It sounds like an incredible place.

Owlhaven said...

Praying. that sounds awesome!


5KidMom said...

I'll be praying, my friend. That sounds like a wonderful opportunity, and a perfect fit for your family. God is so good!!

Smoov said...

Good luck! Report back about how the interview went. What grade will you be teaching?

Bingaling said...

I'll be praying! It sounds like it would be a great fit for your family...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great school! I'll be praying Heather!

Unknown said...


I'm praying that you get the job - how cool it would be to teach in the same school where your kids attended! Good luck!


Abby said...

The school sounds wonderful! Our family will lift you & potential job up in prayer!

As always, thanks for the updates!

Ethiopiana said...

Good luck with your interview! I'll be praying that all works out well for your family. It sounds like an awesome place for you all.

Anonymous said...

So glad I checked in this morning so I could read about this -- I will keep you covered in prayer. This sounds like a huge opportunity for you and the kids. Cannot wait to hear how it all unfolds.

Jenn said...

It sounds like a wonderful opportunity! Exercising your gift of teaching in a fabulous school with your children right there. I will pray. :-) Though I can understand not wanting to leave home. I just came home full time in Aug. after 5 years of OB nursing. It is oh so nice.