Friday, January 26, 2007

Random Stuff...

It's almost midnight and we just got home from a most fun night with a family we are close friends with. They have a son and a daughter who are older than our kids, but all of the kids are great friends. Their son is 14 and Lucas is 5, but Lucas insists that they are best friends and wants his "best friend" to come for a sleepover. What's so sweet is that the 14 year old is so kind to Lucas and allows Lucas to continue in his "best friend" role. These truly are great kids. I hope mine turn out as well at that age.

No news about the adoption yet, but I really didn't expect any. However, I'm hoping to hear by the end of next week that the country representative in Ethiopia has gone to court to "open a file" for us, which means that our court dates will have been requested. We'll see what happens.

I spent some time with Abeba again today working on injera. She showed me exactly how she does the first step which did have a few little Ethiopian secrets that I never would have guessed. I have to back to her house tomorrow morning to do the middle step. Then from there I'll bring it home to actually cook it. My mitad lid came today! I'm so excited. I feel quite confident now that I've done this injera thing a few times. The next time I make it I will take some video and upload it to so that anybody who is interested can actually watch. It is so much easier to watch the process than to try to make sense from reading it.

Next week I will post one final entry about our trip to Ethiopia. It will be about our last hour with our incredibly beautiful kids. Have I mentioned that they are the two most adorable children in all of Africa? Well, if you've adopted or given birth to an African child, I am so sorry to disappoint you, but this is positively true! :)

Tomorrow Kaitlyn is going off to a sleepover and Lucas is staying with "Miss Kim" whom he says is one of his "grown-up friends" so Avery and I are going to have an entire evening and night to our selves! Yipppppeeeee! I so cherish these little vacations with each other. Avery surprised me tonight with a ukulele. I can play "Swing Low Sweet Chariot" which is pretty funny on the ukulele. Avery is always so sweet to buy new a new instrument whenever he finds a good deal. (He knows me and knows that I would be upset if it wasn't a good deal!) Then he doesn't even complain while I'm learning to play it! Now that's love! :)

To all: Enjoy your weekend and thank you for your prayers.


The H Land said...

To Heather, Avery and all 4 Kids-

This is my first post on this blog, but I have been a reader for quite a while. I just wanted to say that I have been praying for you nightly and I am hoping that God responds to your prayers soon.

My boyfriend and I want to adopt from Ethiopia when we are married and your dedication to helping those in need has been truly inspirational for us. We look forward to sharing in your joy from afar once you get word that your court date has been granted, once the adoption has been finalized in country and once your beautiful family is forever united.

May God bless all of you,

Elizabeth F. said...

a!! what a great guy.

We are having the sleepover and I'm blogging. This must mean things are going well.Kaitlyn informed me that her mom does not allow her to use play make-up that anyone else has already used. It must be new. I just about cracked up! I understand why, but my daughter would have thrown that rule right out the window if I weren't there to inforce it. You must have a very obedient daughter!! LOL!!

Glad to see that you are getting more confident with the injera.

Kris Long said...

Heather, I have enjoyed your blog and I am completely impressed with your diligence in learning Amharic and your injera endeavour! I want you to know that I bought the mitad, I am feeding my injera starter, and I am waiting with baited breath on your video!! Oh, and I found teff $8.oo for 5lbs. Not too bad.

Kaitlyn said...

Brent and Kris,

Oh, I hope you will share with me your source for the teff! I have been trying to find a good deal, but this is better than anything I've found so far!